martes, 24 de abril de 2012

"EL PATIO DE ATRÁS" Carlos Gorostiza

Para mí el cuento es interesante, me da ganas de seguir leyendo porque me siento identificada con las situaciones de los hermanos. En mi opinion lo que va a pasar es que no van a soportar más estar todos juntos en esa casa y se van a aparecer muchos conflictos o locuras.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Donar es Amar

Recorran y lean el blog del proyecto "Donar es amar" . 
Es un blog colaborativo, ¿qué significa eso? ¿cuál es el significado del nombre del mismo? ¿En qué año se armó? ¿quiénes son los editores? 

Un blog colaborativo esta escrito por varias personas, el blog alberga información de todo tipo. Lo compartido es el registro de usuarios, los tags o clasificaciones del contenido y la apariencia del sitio. El objetivo es que todos participen con el fin de mejorar el conocimiento.
Este blog se llama Donar es Amar, esto significa un gesto de gran entrega y amor para los familiares de los donantes ya que ante la pérdida de un ser querido pueden ayudar a alguien enfermo. Esta actitud realmente la admiro.
El blog fue creado por los alumnos de la escuela secundaria de 3er año y 4to año del Colegio Newlands correspendiente a los años 2009 y 2010. Estos lo hicieron junto con los profesores de la escuela, como, Graciela Catalá y Alejandra García Redin. 
Fue creado para hacer entender a la gente la importancia de donar órganos y que gracias a esto podemos mejorar la calidad de vida de personas enfermas y lo mejor es que le prolongamos la vida. 
En mi opinion este proyecto, es de gran relevancia porque no todos estan dispuestos a donar sus órganos y los llama la reflexión para poder hacerlo sin miedo. Además aclara que todas las instituciones que se dedican a esto son serias, como la "Fundación de Transplate Hepático". 
Para mí el blog esta muy bueno porque aprendí cosas que no sabía y esto me ayudo a valorar las cosas que tengo. También que donar es una decisión muy difícil porque hay que estar muy seguro de ella. La unica modificación que se le puede hacer al blog es el audio del video, o agregarle más imágenes y cosas modernas para actualizarlo.  

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Descriptive Composition: "Secrets"

Lion´s soul

In the story “Secrets”, Mary was the boy´s Great Aunt. The main conflict in the story was that Mary was betrayed by her nephew.
When she was young she had dark hair, she never loosen it, she had brown eyes, her nose was thin and straight. Mary always smiled, she was a very beautiful person.
The time passed, and when she was old but healthy she had a small-her head and when she sat on a chair it seemed she got smaller each year. Also her skin was fresh, her hair white and always well washed.
Then when she was dying she had her fingers around a crucifix but as she was so weak their fingers kept loosening, this shows us she was very religious. She didn't feel well so her face was pale and she moved her head side to side closing her eyes.
Mary suffered a very difficult past. The Great Aunt had had a lovely romance, which was in the First World War. Despite the distance they were in love, so they sent letters to each other often. the letters were sent by John but they were signed “Brother Benignus” because the relationship between Mary and John was secret and private; also because Brother Benignus changed his life and became a priest.
In another part of her past was her nephew. They had a good relationship, they played, she read books to him all nights. Until a day this wonderful relation finished because the boy betrayed and deceived Mary by invading her privacy. He took and read John´s letters when his Great Aunt had banned him to touch them.
The behaviour of Mary on one hand was understandable. She was very angry with her nephew because he had ignored Mary´s order. But on the other hand she acted badly because the Great Aunt hit him with a slap and also she said to him : “You are dirt, and always will be dirt”. The days passed and she died.
To conclude, that quote represents the character Mary. This shows us how angry Mary was in the story. If we had to choose an animal for this character it will be a lion. In the story, Mary was brave like a hunting lion, because although her boyfriend was in the distance she continued loving him.

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

An astrologer´s day

* Said phrases to atonished and pleased people like: " Come with me, and your lifes are going to be better".
* Special clothes like a rob, big rings, mystic glasses, etc.
* Put music to make a relax atmosphere.
* Talk or make questions that people would interested in. For example: love, health, etc.
* He could have carts and a mantle with stars (decoration).
* A bundle of palmyra writing.
* Make up stories and tell them
* Use a notebook for emergencies